Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where to get microsoft office 2003 for my home computer?

my computer crashed recently, all the data was lost, including my lovely microsoft office 2003. now everything has been set right and i temporarily downloaded microsoft office 2007 free 60-day trial off the internet. but it won't last long and we really do need office so much, and we prefer 2003 version. i know you can purchase it, but any cheap means to get it? please help

Where to get microsoft office 2003 for my home computer?symatec

Just this week there has been a case in the paper of an individual being fined over 拢3000 for illegal software. Assuming you are running XP Microsoft are trying to download an update Windows Genuine Advantage, this reports back on the validity of Windows installation. It is widely believed that they will start to check on other programmes installed. I got rid of Microsoft Office and installed Open Office it is at least as good and is compatible. You can load Microsoft Office files and save as either. IT is completely free and as an open source project is constantly being improved. Give it a try you can always change back Hope this helps.

Where to get microsoft office 2003 for my home computer?vista

try isohunt .. but open office is the legal way ..
you can download it from a p2p shareaza, limewire, frostwire, for free or a good computer shop but open office is a free program and is free and legal to download and similar to windows office
try TO RetRievE your origiNal sofTware disks, or Look Incredibly Macho whEn WalkIng into youR local rEtailer, this Will Always woRk, Even on Zany sales reps!
Yeah you can use limewire to download it. I've done it before.
If you can't afford to buy it, and don't want to risk downloading it illegally from somewhere like ISOhunt, try the open source solution of OpenOffice.

It is free and very compatible.

But Office 2007 is better, and you will agree if you give it some time.
i have a copy of this software which im selling.

if you would like to buy please contact me on tupacmnm@yahoo.co.uk
If you had a legal copy, you should be able to reinstall from the original discs.

If it was pre-installed, ask your PC supplier.

You could try talking to Microsoft, as you have a license and simply need the media and program - I assume you still have the CD Key?

Many Microsoft certified people will have a subscription to msdn and technet and may be able to help you, as long as you have got the license from the original program.

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