Thursday, October 22, 2009

Microsoft Windows XP start up problem.?

I use Microsoft Windows XP, When I turn on my computer it tells me to either chose to use safe mode, last preference that worked correctly, or start windows normally. Whatever I choose, the computer restarts and goes back to the same menu again. How do I resolve this?

Microsoft Windows XP start up problem.?symantic

I just had the same thing happen to me. It was a defective hard drive on my computer causing the issue.....I took it to the Geek Squad for repair....It wasn't an old computer either, 3 months old....Hope this helps!!


Microsoft Windows XP start up problem.?viruses

Chances are you have a blue screen that you aren't seeing that's making your PC reset. Did you just recently install something? If not, it might be a hardware issue, like memory. Try doing an in-place upgrade of XP, put the CD in the drive and boot to it. Skip the first Repair option, and choose the second repair option (the one that doesn't say recovery console). Let it do the repair, see if that fixes the issue. If not, check the hardware, or have someone check it for you, like a repair shop.
Boot from your WindowsXP CD and try the Rescue mode.
load the recovery disc/s

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