Steve Jobs and all his other Mac workers love to make fun of Microsoft always saying they steal things from them. What a total lie. Microsoft has saved Apple countless times especially in 1997 thanks to Bill Gates. Apple was almost forced into bankruptcy and now to save themselves they make all this new icrap. ipods and iphones, etc. Seriously without Windows I believe mac would fail. Microsoft has made all sorts of programs for Mac. Micorsoft office and so on. And Apple finally realized how many people like Windows that they now make it so you can run Windows on a Mac. Why would you want to do that when you can go and buy a windows for less then half the price of a Mac. A true computer fan can see that Apple is struggling.
Anyway back on subject. Windows Vista is NOT a complete rip of Mac OS X and I have proof!!!
Why are mac fans saying Microsoft copied them when Micorsoft thought of many ideas first???adware
Your proof that Vista is not a rip-off of Mac OSX is only skin deep. Peak beneath the surface and you realize both OSes are completely different. Most people rate an OS on appearance, and that only makes up about 5% of its code.
Without Microsoft, Apple WAS ready to become the de-facto OS for the home user. They enjoyed this position for some time in pre Windows 3.1 days. Microsoft won the popularity war because it catered to its developers where Apple didn't. The result was all the programmers came to Windows, and so did all the software, and now it had momentum to continue being the platform leader.
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