Thursday, October 8, 2009

Microsoft Word Help (using tables)?

I have a word document set up in a table listing many variables and i want to sort one column for a certain variable...i.e. say i have a column listing uhh say types of animals and i want to sort AND display only cats. I know how to sort the column but is there an easy way to sort and display desired results...similar to the autofilter function in microsoft excel. Thankya

Microsoft Word Help (using tables)?aurora

well if you do it in excel and then copying and paste,you can use excels application for it.

Microsoft Word Help (using tables)?download

Nope, not in Word. Word will sort, but not filter. You'll have to copy the data over to Exel or Access if you want to filter.

Of course, you could sort, and then just delete the rows you want....

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