Thursday, October 22, 2009

Microsoft word printing sideways?

Im using microsoft word and for a very fustrating reason everytime i print, it prints sideways on the paper. why is that? it never does that and its getting annoying. im always having to save my work on a CD and printing it somewhere else. the printer i use is an Hp PSC 2355 printer. if anyone out there knows, please help

Microsoft word printing sideways?triumph

Sounds like you're printing in Landscape. You need to change it to Portrait.

Do the following.

Go to File

Go to Print

Go to Properties

See where it gives you a choice of Landscape or Portrait? Click on Portait.

Click apply and ok.

That should solve your problem

Microsoft word printing sideways?worms

Barb is correct that you need to make sure you are in potrait mode when you print Word...BUT your printer has buttons on the top with setups...make sure the default setup on your printer is Portrait!

both of these things together will solve your problem

good luck :)
Actually, before checking the portrait/landscape orientation on the printer (which would apply to everything that you print), I'd check the page orientation in the Word document itself.

Go to File --%26gt; Page Setup... I'm guessing that it's setup for landscape. Change it to Portrait and save the document again.
try updating your printer drivers

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