Thursday, October 22, 2009

Microsoft Word Labels?

I want to update my parents address book for Christmas using printed labels. I thought it would be best to type in all the addresses in microsoft word, and then print them on labels. However, I can't seem to format it correctly! Can anyone please tell me the easiest way to go about this?


Microsoft Word Labels?microsoft office

Up to Tools, Letters and Mailings, Labels. Select the size of label, i.e. Avery A4,J8163 would give you 7 x 2 - 14 to a sheet. When you have chosen the size of label, click on the button, New Document. You will then have 14 blank labels in your document ready for you to type in your addresses which you can then save as a normal file so that you can use over and over again.

Microsoft Word Labels?norton antivirus

This is very difficult to do using Word or Works. You can download free software from Avery. Try Design Pro 5. I think you can find it by searching Avery labels. I am sure there are programs to buy as well. I just found this one yesterday, but haven't used it yet. Good luck.
here's a link to the microsoft "labels templates"

after you choose a template you should just be inserting your info. hope this helps

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