Monday, October 19, 2009

Microsoft or apple?

Personally I like microsoft, only "idiots" that don't know how to use it right use apple computers (no offense hehe), but I'd like to hear your opinions on this topic.

Microsoft or apple?viruses

For the average user, Windows based machines offier teh range of products they need. For 60% of people, there is no reason to spend omre than 700$ on a new computer (get it on sale or not at all). PLEASE, show me a new Mac for that much. On the same note, parts availability, customizability and upgradeability all make a WIN based PC more attractive. Get a mac to be trendy, Get Windows if you are serious.

Microsoft or apple?antispam

well mac's are eye candy and enjoy using them for the most part. but for a lot of things windows is easier to do. so i would say emulate windows on a mac
you've obviously never used an Apple computer. i spend all my idiot time on a machine thats fast as hell, never crashes, doesn't require drivers or restart for hardware, runs ProTools flawlessly, has a secure web browser, came out of the box with wireless and bluetooth, syncs incredibly between iPod and iTunes, runs serious software perfectly (i'm no gamer), etc....AND i dont even have the newest one. I AM an idiot aren't i?
Actually, since OSX, Apple's operating system rules. The tools at the CLI (Command Line Interface) blow away Windows' tools. The GUI is stable as can be for any GUI. The best of PC games tend to get ported to Macs. What more can you want?

modred189: Apparently you haven't heard of the Mac Mini. I've got one, duo-core Intel proc. It kicks it!
Since apple is mac based system and Microsoft is a windows based system. so today we are very much familiar with windows so i will prefer Microsoft but for the person who want to use new things then that person should go for apple.

as both the systems are best in there Fields

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