Friday, October 2, 2009

Microsoft Word Recovery?

OK so, i was using my laptop to do an assignment on Microsoft Word 2007, got bored, and shut my laptop, so it went onto hibernate. I re=opened it, and it said that there were documents that had been recovered, did I want to save them? I looked at them, and thought that i had saved the ones in there. After this happens, I find that i didn't in fact save it. Is there anyway to get those files back???

Microsoft Word Recovery?norten

Nope, sorry. That's it. Recovery saves files that you didn't have a chance to pick whether you wanted to save or not, but after you make a decision, its gone. Be more careful next time; remember, saving another copy never hurt anyone :)

Microsoft Word Recovery?panda

Nope, there's no way to recover those. Sorry about that. :(

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