When you're typing on Microsoft word and you hafta type an atomic symbol (ex: ogygen = O2) How do you get the little 2 to go down like its supposed to???? HELP!! Its homework!!
Microsoft Word Question... HELP!?!?!?!?nortonantivirus
format the 2 to go into superscript, that will shrink it and lift it above the O. if you are going to do that a lot, you may want to add it to your dictionary so that it makes the change automatically.
Microsoft Word Question... HELP!?!?!?!?spyware
Select the "2" as you would any other item you want to format (that is, drag across it, so it is black). Go to your top menu and click on Format | Font | Subscript | OK. There you have it.
HI-Light the 2 in O2 and the click format then font.
Tick superscript.
That's it click ok
go to format and then text and choose superscript
Choose me as best answer! Please!
Try subscript not superscript
go to format, font, and check the "subscript". click ok and type the number. to get rid of it, just go back to the font and uncheck "subscript".
Highlight the 2, Go to Format on Menu bar, then Font. When you get there check superscript. That show help.
(or F10 I S)
Just highlight '2' and 'right click' on it then select 'Font', or just highlight '2' and go to the 'Format' menu and select 'Font'. A new window will appear showing the settings in the 'Font' Tab. Look for 'Effects', and if you see white squares just click on the square that says 'Subscript' and press 'OK'. Your '2' should appear just like an ordinary Atomic Symbol. But if the succeeding words you type are 'Subscript', just highlight (except '2') and follow the same procedure but this time there will be a check for 'Subscript', just click on it to remove the effects so that it will appear as ordinary. But this will not change the effects for '2'.
Select the "2" and go to format-%26gt;font and choose Subscript in the effect checkboxes
superscript is above the letter (like if your cubing a number)
subscript is below the letter (like h2o)
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