Thursday, October 1, 2009

MICROSOFT OUTLOOK!!!! I need help!?

When you are in Microsoft Outlook, Is there a way to close the icon on the task bar when it is minimized?

Well, I know there is, I just forgot how I did it a long time ago at my old job.

The reason I want to know this is because I used to many programs and I hate icons on the taskbar that i do not use all throughout the day, but i do have to have it opened...


MICROSOFT OUTLOOK!!!! I need help!?panda

Minimize Outlook to the System Tray

To minimize Outlook to a stylish icon in the Windows system tray:

* Click on the Outlook icon in the system tray with the right mouse button.

* Select Hide When Minimized from the menu.

Now, when you minimize Outlook is should disappear from the task bar. To open Outlook again, double-click on the Outlook system tray icon.

Minimizing Outlook 2000 and Earlier Versions to the Tray

If you use Outlook 2000 or an earlier version, which do not include the functionality to minimize to the system tray, try OutTray or HideOutlook.

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