Sunday, October 4, 2009

Microsoft Technical issue?

I work from home and a certain software will not open. I keep getting a messege, "dfsvc.exe has encountered a problem and will shut down." No one knows what to do. All the tech guys I've talked to pass the buck. Microsoft tech guys say it's a virus. But I checked and it's not. Also, all my other things in my computer work fine, I just can't open or even uninstall this software. Any advice will do.


Microsoft Technical issue?virus protection software

"certain software will not open" ?? like what

anyway link may help

If you go into your local settings folder and delete anything in it besdies temp, temporary interent files, application data, and history it should solve the problem. dfsvc.exe will get junk in the folders it saves to in there (in my case the folder name is app, though it may be different on your system) and delete forces it to be remade when windows stars again. Some will say that you should dlete the entire local settings folder, but that is unecessary.

Microsoft Technical issue?adware


Overview Solution Technical Details Statistics

Size of malware: 24,560 Bytes or 25,088 Bytes

Initial samples received on: Sep 4, 2004


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