Thursday, October 1, 2009

Microsoft Office Professional 2007 trouble activating??

Okay so I downloaded the trial and it expired. Then this screen came up:

I entered the Product Key it asked me to enter and then I clicked next and got this screen:

So after I clicked install, it completed successfully and I got this screen:

So I did what it told me; restarted Microsoft Office and then THIS came up:

...again, I know!

What the hell am I doing wrong? I really need this thing to be activated and I have the rite product key but this thing keeps going back the way it was. It also says how I will be prompted to activate, but I already did!

Microsoft Office Professional 2007 trouble activating??systemworks

yeah, check your product key AND your software again. dl a new software or call microsoft.

Microsoft Office Professional 2007 trouble activating??windows

Check with the people you purchased the product licence from.

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