Thursday, October 1, 2009

Microsoft's LAN infrastructure at Redmond...?

Can someone give me an overview of the Local Area Network Infrastructure at the Redmond Site for Microsoft ?

Microsoft's LAN infrastructure at Redmond...?

A local area network is basically the same everywhere. It becomes more complex and sophisticated as the size and needs of the LAN increase.

I strongly suspect the Microsoft site has a very sophisticated, well engineered, capable, well managed, LAN.

The interesting question to me is: Why do you want to know? I cannot help but feel you have dishonorable intentions and want others to help you in your intents. I won't do such.

Microsoft's LAN infrastructure at Redmond...?antivirus downloads

Yep. They use Ethernet. There are cables, and switches, and routers. It's a fast network. It's probably got security holes, unless they are smart enough not to use their own products.
first of all -poorcocoboiboi - love your answer and your absolutely right! if microsoft had any sense they would be using ANYTHING other than their own products. Hopefully linux. wouldnt that be funny! to go into MS HQ and see linux boxes everywhere!!

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