Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do you think microsoft is asking too much for vista?

i think it is a joke, plus your taking a chance when you buy one, somebody might already be using your key code and if that happens your system is worthless its not like xp were one key can be used on more than one pc, your SCREWED, right now the new thing is brute force in getting a key from microsoft aint no telling what will come next, if microsoft wasnt so greedy and charged a reasonable amount it would cut down a lot on this piracy

Do you think microsoft is asking too much for vista?viruses

I too am fairly unhappy with Vista. Here are a few reasons why.

1. The company I work for thought we should start migrating to Vista, so all new HP computer orders would come with vista already installed. It turns out that 75% of our Engineering software is NOT VISTA COMPATIBLE!!

2. I was also told that you can run into problems when you upgrade your hardware and will need to re-verify your cd-key. You are allowed to re-verify your cd-key ONLY ONCE! then you'll need to purchase a new cd-key. I think this is just retarded!

3. Microsoft will eventually force all hardcore gamers into purchasing Vista because DirectX 10 will ONLY BE AVAILABLE WITH VISTA! There will be no upgrade for your XP operating system DirectX version 9. If you are serious about gaming and want the best possible gaming experience without having to switch to vista, this probably will be enough for you to pick up a bootleg version of Vista.

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