Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who can win the future: Apple or Microsoft?

Microsoft has set up Microsoft Research in several countries and hired a lot of brilliant researchers to conduct cutting-age research for Microsoft's future in a variety of areas. Every year a lot of research fruits get incorporated into their products.

Besiege by Microsoft's huge efforts and advancement , what is Apple's answer? What provides Apple the momentum to still be able to make the best products in the future?

Who can win the future: Apple or Microsoft?kawasaki

Who can win the future: Apple or Microsoft?nortan antivirus

I think Apple will always be good at what they do (mostly Media related things i.e. Ipods) but in the long run (partly due to Bill Gates' questionable marketing tactics) Microsoft will win
Neither. Linux is the future. It's used on more devices than any other operating system in history. (from Tivo's to supercomputers, from servers to desktops, to embedded devices, and to even watches)

It's the world's operating system.
We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile.

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