Friday, October 2, 2009

Microsoft wordpad?

Hey, I have typed a very long list of something i needed n microsoft wordpad. I accidently shut off the computer and never saved the work. I cannot re-write this, as it was something wouldnt understand. Is there anyway to get back what i had??? Please help!

Microsoft wordpad?norton 2008

Sorry. It is my understanding that all the while we are working, we are in memory. Nothing is saved to disk until we save it with File, Save or File, Save As.

It is recommended that we save our work at least every 15 minutes in case of an accidental power failure. It happens to the best of us -- we get "carried away" and forget to save as we go along. One mis-move and all that work is history!

Microsoft wordpad?pop up blocker

it might be in temp files, choose run, then type in temp. or in word it still might bhe there, look under file
i dont think there is a way to get back the file.

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