Friday, October 2, 2009

Microsoft Word 2003 Font Question: Please Read!!?

I'm using Microsoft Word 2003 to write a term paper. However, my professor requires that we use Arial 10 pt font for the paper. When I print the paper, however, it looks unusually thick compared to the sample she gave us. Is there a way to make arial 10 pt point less dark and thick w/o changing the font size!! Thanx!!

Microsoft Word 2003 Font Question: Please Read!!?microsoft

First, make sure you do not have the "bold" option checked inside Word. Then, make sure you have the basic "Arial", not Arial Bold, or Arial Rounded. If you still can't get the look you want, try using "Arial Narrow" instead. If you don't have it, try going to, as they may have a free version you can download.

Microsoft Word 2003 Font Question: Please Read!!?norton ghost

It sounds like your printer is the culpret here, not Word. I would take a sample to show my instructor and explain that is how my printer produces Arial 10pt, and see if she will accept that output. It simply would not be fair for her to require you to purchase a new printer and only find out how it looks after printing after the full installation of the hardware and software!

She should be OK with the fact you are using the font and size she wants, but that your printer won't produce it exactly as her sample indicates. Teacher's are usually flexible when it comes to this sort of thing, which is basically out of your control. It would also be a hardship to request you tranfer your document to an external media and then load it into a computer at the computer lab, to print there. However, if she is that inflexible, that may be your only inexpensive option.
You either accidentally "bolded" the document or chose the wrong font.

open a blank Word document

type a couple of words

select them

click Format

cl Font

click Arial, 10, regular

Is this what you want?

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