Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Microsoft Powerpoint--music?

When making a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, does anyone know how to add music to the ENTIRE show--so the music plays through the whole show? Right now, I can only figure out music for one slide.

Microsoft Powerpoint--music?internet

Whats the Duration in time of the slide show?

In Office 2003 Powerpoint, Click on Insert, go to Movies and Sounds, and you can insert specific files, or even co-ordinate track by Track from a CD. The CD option allows you to loop, or do what ever you want.

The CD option Appears to allow you to loop whatever you want, but be careful on music selection and avoid abrupt finishes. If you can find a piece that times to the exact length of your Presentation then I would suggest that the Style of the Presentation be linked to the Length of the File of music or the looping be edited so that the same mood repeats, but you may want to morph the end of the file into the start of the file when it loops.

This is the clearest intro to Music in a PPS or PPT that I could find:


Microsoft Powerpoint--music?network

My Pleasure Report It

Instruction for Office 2003 %26 2007:

On your first slide add the sound clip (Insert, Movie and Sound Clips, Sound From File). (Say yes to automatically start it).

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