This was in the news, this morning -
and - if it comes to pass?
I'm outta here!!!
Your opinions/feelings, please?
about this latest tech monster move?
Microsoft is 'doing it' again??? The latest takeover to be Yahoo???antivirus download
That seems a bit too much money to me. Then again, that is pocket change to Bill Gates and Microsoft!
Microsoft is 'doing it' again??? The latest takeover to be Yahoo???bmw
Yes Microsoft offers about 45 billion dollars for Yahoo.
And what will happen if they get a deal?
I wonder, will the name Yahoo and its services totally disappear? I will regret that, I love my Yahoo mail box!
good for you and us.
First time Yahoo turned a bid from Microsoft. Now as of this morning,Microsoft sent a letter to the ceo of Yahoo and about the fact they want to buy them out. This is really a hostile takeover from what some of the biz anchors were talking about this morning when it first passed over the news wires. Now Microsoft is doing this in antempt to take on Google. Becouse Google to is branching out into other areas of content.
Right now take a look and see.
I don't think it would make a big change in either yahoo or Microsoft, but it would be good for Y! and Live messengers, they I guess will be merged somehow, their search engine(s) will be improved as well. so it's good overall.
no big bought youtube..did it change? no...Blizzard was bought by activison game company was it? no change...
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