Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Microsoft frontpage form....PLEASE HELP.....?

i made a code for a form using microsoft frontpage... insert %26gt;form %26gt; [then i put in a bunch of radio buttons and check boxes etc....] at the bottom i put a sumbit button....how do i make it so that when people fill out the form and press submit the info is sent to my personal e-mail!!!

p.s- on the form i used these file upload areas...how does that work..once i fix the e-mail problem will those pics be sent to my e-mail or what?

Microsoft frontpage form....PLEASE HELP.....?virus protection software

The action attribute of the form start tag specifies the URL for the browser to submit the form data to.

You need to have a server side form handler living at that URL.

What happens to any file uploads depends on how that form handler is written.

http://www.cs.tut.fi/%7Ejkorpela/forms/ has some good resources on forms in general and includes some good information on getting going with server side form handlers.

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