Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Microsoft deserting us Windows Me users....what do I do now?

I know very little about computers. Heard on a radio show Windows me (mine) and 98 (my friend's)were in trouble, no more support , and that millions of us were now going to be sitting ducks for hackers. You would think Microsoft would care about their customers. What do those of us do, are there updates or do we have to buy new computers? I paid alot for this one. Thanks.

Microsoft deserting us Windows Me users....what do I do now?stinger

They are outdated dinosaurs that (in my opinion) should have been put down YEARS ago. Okay, yes, financially Microsoft is capable of supporting those operating systems for years to come but simply put they do not want to divert resources and time to doing so (neither would I). I haven't used Windows 98 since 2000 came out, I haven't used 2000 since Windows XP came out and I also don't keep the same computer for more than three years (or until it has passed its life-cycle of upgradability or whichever comes first). That being said, yes, Microsoft is ending support for Windows 98 and ME, and rightly so. Both were dogs of an operating system full of security holes that were never patched and will not be patched, Windows ME was THE WORST OS ever produced. So, their ending support for it? It's long past time everyone started using XP. I take a hard line on these things, I know I do but really, look at all the things that aren't supported in Windows 98 - USB 2.0, iTunes, iPods, every flash drive ever made (drivers required) and the list goes on and on and on. And here we are on the eve of a new OS release and I simply cannot believe so many people are still using 98 and/or ME. You paid a lot for the computer? How long ago? Because if you paid a lot for it now, you got jipped, if you paid a lot for it two years ago, you got jipped. If you paid a lot for it five or six years ago well, it's worth all of $200 now.

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