BT Broadband with windows XP home network ,wireless connection via netgear ma111 dongles . Computer 1 connects directly to the bt modem %26 connects to any Web Site including microsoft sites.
Computer 2 connects to the internet via the wireless net work but will not access any Microsoft site - all other web sites OK.
When computer 2 was connected, originally. to the modem there were no problems.
I've looked at security options without success .
There's something I've missed !
Any Ideas
Not able to access microsoft web sites- MSN - HOTMAIL- MICROSOFT .COM?product key You may have a virus or spyware on computer 2 that is redirecting microsoft sites. The reason for this would be to prevent you from running updates, which might fix the security vulnerability. Check this file on your computer:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers \etc\hosts
To open the file, you'll have to select a program to open it with. Select Notepad.
This file will have a bunch of lines of text beginning with '#'. These lines are OK, they are only comments. You can ignore any line starting with '#'. After those lines, there should be one additional line that says:
" localhost"
This line is also OK. If anything else is in this file, that would be your problem. What you'll probably see is:
"x.x.x.x" (where x.x.x.x is an IP address)
What that means is instead of checking the internet to find out what the real address for is, it will just use x.x.x.x, which is invalid.
Delete any extra lines you find in this file. You may want to make a copy of the file first just to be safe.
Not able to access microsoft web sites- MSN - HOTMAIL- MICROSOFT .COM?triumph Use browser hijacker and spyware removal tools, if you don't have any, go to my site and use the free software links .